- Met with 420A at Bn to review my retirement packet.
- O6 endorsement memo sent out for signature.
- O6 endorsement memo signed.
- Retirement Packet forwarded to Bn S1 staff to process and send to MPD.
- All the forms (original enlistment documents and all reenlistments included) listed on the Retirement Services website were not necessary. (Or maybe they are and the whole packet will be sent back for me to add them to the packet.)
- Filling out the DA 7301 is so much easier if you’ve had a straight career path with no breaks in service. I am thankful for the ease of calculated my time in service (enlisted and warrant officer).
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- Elation.
- Picking a retirement date and putting in ink on several forms and memos transforms the ideas into real plans.
I am an active duty US Army Warrant Officer with over 30 years of service. As I begin my transitional journey to military retirement, I am building several blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels covering a variety of topics from parenting to travel, retirement, yoga, and everything in between.Sign up for the R3 Newsletter!
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